Hello friends,
I love sharing recipes with you. It is my goal to send one every week but let's be honest; sometimes life or work prohibits it. This blog tells me exactly how many people subscribe to the blog, how many recipe emails are sent and how many were opened. I don't want to fill your inbox with enough emails to make you cuss. However, about ten times a week, I will get a request to resend a recipe that someone remembers reading about and subsequently lost but wants to try it now that they need a treat to take to a party. Here is the cool thing. Did you know all of the recipes I have sent out on this blog are archived right here in alphabetical order? If you know the name of the recipe it should be easy to find.
If you are viewing the blog on a computer, look for the bar at the top of the screen. If you hover over RECIPE ARCHIVES you will see all of them appear. Just click on the one you want. If you are viewing on a phone, look for the three parallel lines in the top right hand corner and the page bar will appear. So whether you are feeling like caramel corn, pumpkin muffin tops or lemonade snaps, they are all right there waiting for you.
Now if you are one of those gifted children who prints every recipe and places it in a page protector in a three ring binder every time you get an email from me, you get a A+ from this teacher.